Work we're proud of.

Qfactor pink billboard
Purple OOH banner for Qtrade
Qfactor pink, purple, and blue large banners
Qfactor wide blue banner


How do you market an award-winning trading platform that happens to have a competitor with a similar name? You boldly own an emotional benefit and use design to make the brand name memorable.

Enter the Qfactor – the confidence and empowerment to make financial moves using Qtrade’s tools and expertise paired with an investor’s ambition and intelligence. All supported by a breakthrough design to emphasize the Q.

Logo on a forest green background


How do you make an industry regulator brand something everyone can be proud of? You start by listening.

Through sessions with employees and member stakeholders, we deeply understood what the new CIRO brand should stand for. We used that knowledge to develop a modern and approachable brand identity which helped bring IIROC and MFDA together as a united organization. We then launched CIRO’s first ever national campaign, designed to raise awareness of who CIRO is and how they support and protect Canadians who invest in our capital markets.

Website homepage

Global X

How do you help a uniquely Canadian ETF brand transition to a globally aligned brand without losing what makes them special?

We helped Horizons ETFs (Canada’s 4th largest ETF provider) transition their brand to Global X. This allowed them to better align globally, and offer Canadian investors investment opportunities informed by this global reach.

The launch included a complete rebrand, launch event, and awareness campaign aimed at Canadian investors and advisors.

Event decor
Event main stage
Event speakers discussing on main stage
Event main stage panelists having a discussion

Great-West Lifeco

How do you help a 130 year-old holding company connect in a new way with their investors and industry analysts? You level up their events.

We helped Great-West Lifeco bring a new level of polish and sophistication to annual events like Investor Day and their AGM. This helped better reflect who they are as a large, international financial services company and instilled pride in their leadership team.

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